Stop Suffering From Recurrent Cold Sores

It can be very annoying and disturbing suffering from recurrent cold sores because it is not only painful it is also embarrassing. Its ugly appearance is definitely not a plus factor for you and they sometimes appear when you need to be beautiful and flawless. Imagine having cold sores on the most important events of your life like a wedding, birthday or much awaited vacation.

Cold sores are viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. They commonly appear on the lips but they may also appear on the cheeks and around the nose. The virus is contagious and can spread to other people through kissing and sharing personal things like towels, drinking cups and eating utensils. They appear as fluid-filled blisters at first then they break open and crust over. They are painful especially on the stage where they burst.

Cold sores can be very stubborn and they usually re-appear on the same spot. Once infected, the virus may reside in your body in dormant condition waiting for the right trigger to wake up and cause another outbreak. Suffering from recurrent cold sores is really annoying and depressing. It is important to know how to deal with them and prevent recurrent outbreaks. Here are some tips to prevent recurring infection:

Avoid having colds, flu and other infections. You may notice that you are more susceptible to cold sores when you have colds, flu and other infection. This is because the virus sees this as an opportunity to wake up for another outbreak while your immune system is busy fighting other diseases. So to avoid suffering from recurrent cold sores, avoid the things that will cause you to have colds and flu. It is important to boost your immune system by eating a well balanced diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.

Avoid emotional stress. Frequent cold sores usually happen when a person is under stress. This is the reason why the virus usually causes another outbreak during special occasions like weddings, birthdays and other special events in your life where you are under pressure and experiencing emotional stress. Learn to handle things with ease and delegate tasks to unburden yourself. Avoid emotional stress to prevent suffering from recurrent cold sores.

Talk to your doctor. If you are suffering from recurrent cold sores, it is best to seek medical help. Antiviral medicines are common treatments for cold sores because they inhibit the growth of the virus. They may come in the form of pills or ointments.

You do not have to continue suffering from recurrent cold sores because there are ways to stop the frequent outbreak. To find out the step-by-step treatment to free yourself from cold sores visit Cold Sores Free Forever

The Best Ways to Free Yourself From Cold Sores

Cold sores can appear at the worst times when you need to be beautiful and flawless. Their appearance can be very embarrassing especially on the most important event of your life that is why it is important to know how to free yourself from cold sores. Sometimes they appear before the most awaited events of your life like a wedding, vacation and other important celebrations.

Cold sores are caused by type 1 herpes simplex virus and they usually appear on the mouth or around the lips. They may also appear around the nose and on the cheeks. They appear as fluid-filled blisters at first until they eventually break open and crust over. They can be really painful especially when the blisters burst out.
How can you free yourself from the infection to get rid of the discomforts and embarrassment?

Talk to your doctor. If you are suffering from frequent outbreak it is best to consult your doctor. You may need to take prescription pills or apply ointments to prevent frequent infections.

Avoid the triggers. Colds and flu are the common triggers so if you want to free yourself from cold sores, you have to avoid the things that will make you prone to colds and flu. Stress is also another trigger, learn to manage and eliminate your stress.

Avoid too much sunlight exposure. Use sun block and lip balm to protect you from the sun. Too much sunlight can cause cold sore flare up so avoid too much exposure under the sun to free yourself from cold sores. Always wear sun protection if you will go outside in a sunny day.

Boost your immune system. You will have a high resistance to viruses and infections if you have strong immune system. Boost your immune system by eating a well balanced diet, regular exercise and sleeping well. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. Live a healthy life to be strong against diseases.

Lysine supplements. Lysine, an amino acid can be very helpful if you want to free yourself from the outbreak. Taking daily lysine supplement pills can help weaken the herpes simplex virus and prevent frequent flare ups. You can also get lysine from eggs, soybeans, fish and read meat.

This condition can be very disturbing and you have to find the best ways to prevent frequent outbreak. To treat this viral infection naturally visit Cold Sore Free Forever 

Top 3 Ways to Stop Cold Sore Outbreaks

Cold sores also known as fever blisters are often caused by type 1 herpes simplex virus that usually appears on the mouth or around the lips. Suffering from cold sores outbreak can be really distressing and embarrassing. They are infectious and can be really stubborn because they have the tendency to keep coming back that is why it is important to know how to stop them.

Before the appearance cold sores outbreak, some people may experience tingling, burning and itching around the affected area. They usually begin as fluid-filled blisters around the lips. Although they commonly appear on the mouth, they can also appear on the cheeks and around the nose. They can be very painful especially when they burst out.

Here are the things that you can do to stop cold sores outbreak and feel better:

Self care. Keep your hands off the affected area and do not squeeze the blisters or peel off the skin around it. Keep the area clean and if it hurts you can put ice on the affected area. Application of lip balm on dry lips can prevent outbreaks. Taking amino acid supplement or lysine can be very helpful to prevent recurring cold sores outbreak.

Medications. Prescription antiviral medicines in the form of pills and ointments are common treatments for cold sores outbreak. Common medications are Denavir and Zovirax. There are also over-the-counter medicines to relieve the pain like Ibuprofen. It is best to consult your doctor before taking medicines.

Healthy lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help you boost your immune system and will lower your risk of getting infections and diseases. Avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. Learn to manage or eliminate stress and get enough sleep. Eat a well balanced diet and exercise regularly. With a healthy lifestyle you can stop recurring cold sores outbreak.

Cold sores can be really annoying and can appear on times when you need to be beautiful and flawless. If you are suffering from recurring cold sores outbreak, discover how to get rid of cold sores fast visit Cold Sore Free Forever

Discover the Best Ways to Treat Cold Sores

Cold sores are a very embarrassing illness that sometimes sufferers need to stay home and hide. It is really frustrating to stay home when you want to go out and enjoy with your family and friends. You have to find out how to treat cold sores to improve the quality of your life.

Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1), the cold sore virus, stays dormant in your system for years but with the right trigger it could flare-up from time to time and it could disturb your personal or social life. It is important to treat cold sores and get rid of it for good.

There are different treatments for cold sores to speed up healing and prevent recurrence. Here as some tips:
Prevent the virus from spreading. It is a contagious disease and it can be transmitted through skin to skin contact. Avoid kissing or oral sex while you are under treatments.

Topical creams and antiviral medicines. Creams with lemon balm and Vitamin E have antiviral properties that promote quick healing. Topical creams with witch hazel bark extract is also effective. Of course it is best to seek medical advice. Your doctor can prescribe you with antiviral medicines to get rid of a cold sore.

Change in your diet. Cold sore virus grows faster with high consumption of arginine but the amino acid lysine inhibits viral multiplication. It is essential to change your diet to treat cold sores. Limit arginine consumption and increase lysine intake to prevent outbreak. Chocolates and nuts are high in arginine. You can get lysine from fruits, vegetables, red meat and dairy products. Lysine supplement is also another option, 1,000 mg a day may suppress the virus and prevents outbreak.

Vitamin C and flavonoids. To treat a cold sore, vitamin supplements are very helpful. There are studies that flavonoids and vitamin C shortens the duration of cold sore symptoms. Daily intake of vitamin C and flavonoids will make you less prone to cold sores. Tomatoes, onions, garlic, grapes, blue berries and red berries are rich in flavonoids while citrus fruits and vegetables are rich in Vitamin C.

It is important to find a treatment that will work for you. An effective way to treat cold sore is to treat it from the root cause. To find out how visit Cold Sore Free Forever 

Discover How to Heal Cold Sore Quickly

Cold sore could torment you for 10-14 days and prevent you from enjoying your social and personal life. If you are infected by this contagious viral disease caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Type1 (HSV-1), it is important to know how to heal cold sore quickly and go back to your normal everyday activities.

Once you get infected by the virus, you will feel a tingling sensation and then fluid filled blisters will appear around your mouth. The soreness or redness around your mouth usually last for 2 weeks. Its appearance is really unsightly and people might avoid you, it is best to find a way to heal cold sore quickly.
Here are some tips to speed up healing of cold sore:

Keep the affected area clean and dry.  Clean the affected area with rubbing alcohol until the itchiness disappeared. Do not re-use cotton swabs or Q-tip. Keep your hands off the affected area and keep it dry to heal cold sore quickly.

Stay within your pH balance. If you have low pH, your system is in its acid state and it is very conducive to the herpes virus. Cold sore loves acid environment. You should stay at 7.4 pH balance to get rid of cold sore. To heal cold sore quickly, you need to be more alkaline than acidic during the course. To be more alkaline, stick to alkaline diet like vegetables, fruits, yogurt with active cultures and eggs. Avoid acidic foods like soda, vinegar, grains, beans, coffee, beef and condiments like tomato sauce and mayonnaise because it slows down healing.

Apply ice on the affected area. Putting ice cube on the affected area will speed up healing of cold sore. On the first sign of the cold sore flare-up, wrap an ice cube on a clean handkerchief and put it on the affected area. Ice will prevent the virus from multiplying and prevent the appearance or more sores.

Lip balm with high SPF. It will help to heal cold sore quickly if you will wear lip balm with SPF30 to protect your lips from sun exposure when you are outdoor. Too much exposure to sunlight aggravates infection.

Apply antiviral medicine. Prescription antiviral medicines will help you heal cold sore faster.  Your health care provider can give you instructions on how to apply or take the medicine.

Natural remedies. There are people who are into natural remedies because it is inexpensive and yet effective. If you are suffering from recurring cold sore despite of all the treatments you went through, another option is natural remedies.

If you want to heal cold sore quickly you have to treat it right from its root cause. Attacking the source of the infection will drive cold sore away. If you want to find out how visit Cold Sores Free Forever

Effective Tips in Dealing With Cold Sore

Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) could infect anybody and the infection usually last for 10-14 days. But if you have been infected by this virus, it could stay dormant in your body and you could suffer recurring outbreak from time to time. The discomfort and embarrassment brought by this contagious disease is really depressing and you need to know what to do in dealing with cold sore.

It could be very frustrating if you do not know how to deal with it. Here are some tips to help you manage cold sore:

Prevent cold sore. The best way in dealing with cold sore is to prevent it from happening. It is a contagious disease and you have to avoid contact with people infected by the virus. If you are already infected, you have to prevent recurring flare-up by avoiding triggers that will make the virus active again. Some of its triggers include too much exposure to sunlight, weak immune system and stress. Prevent cold sore attacks by eating a healthy diet, get enough sleep and exercise. It is also important to avoid stress or learn to manage you stress.

Seek treatment. It is important to see your doctor and get the proper diagnosis. Soreness around your mouth could be a symptom of other illnesses. Your doctor can also recommend antiviral medicines to help you get rid of the soreness. Some people are into natural remedies and there are natural treatments for cold sore. Ice, tea tree oil and garlic are some of the natural treatment for cold sore.

In dealing with cold sore, it is important that the treatment is not only masking the symptoms but treating the cold sore from its root cause. If you want to treat this viral infection from its source and get rid of it for good visit Cold Sore Free Forever

Stop Cold Sore Outbreaks For Good

People infected by herpes simplex virus type 1- HSV1 suffer from recurring outbreak many times in a year and of course they are looking for the right treatment that will work for them. Suffering from this contagious virus infection is very distressing because it affects not only your personal life but also your social life. Learning how to stop cold sore outbreak will make your life better.

There are many factors that influence the occurrence of this viral infection and you have to stop the outbreak for good. Here are some tips:

Antiviral medicines. Your doctor can recommend antiviral medicines to help you stop the virus from multiplying. It should be applied at the first stage of infection to stop cold sore outbreak. If you already have a full blown infection, you may also need pain relievers because the soreness can be very painful.

Rubbing alcohol speeds up healing. Apply alcohol on the affected area at the first sign of the symptom to prevent the occurrence of more cold sores. A cotton swab or Q-tip with rubbing alcohol applied to the sore at least 2 times a day until the tingling sensation disappear will prevent a full blown outbreak.

Tea tree oil dries up cold sore quickly. Its natural antifungal and antiviral property stops the outbreak. It has also anti-inflammatory property that speed up healing and remove soreness. Apply 2-3 times a day on the affected area using cotton swabs or Q-tip. It is better to apply upon onset of cold sore to prevent a full blown outbreak.

Limit your consumption of arginine. If you are having recurring cold sore outbreak it is best to limit you intake of foods with arginine, an amino acid that encourages the occurrence of cold sore. Avoid chocolates, peanuts, beer, cereals, coconut and gelatine.

Lysine consumption. It is another type of amino acid that prevents and stop cold sore outbreak. It can be found on various foods or can be taken as a supplement to treat it. Lysine interferes with the absorption of arginine and prevents cold sore outbreaks. Lysine can be found in most fruits and vegetables, dairy products and red meat.

There are a lot of ways to treat cold sore, but it is important to find a remedy that will work for you. In most cases you are just treating the symptoms and not the cold sore itself. If you want to stop cold sore outbreak from its source and get rid of it for good visit Cold Sore Free Forever

Getting Rid of Cold Sore- What You Need to Know

It will be very depressing to see and feel that people are avoiding you because of this infectious disease. People infected by cold sore tend to stay at home and shy away from people. Getting rid of cold sore will improve your self-esteem and confidence. You do not have to hide at home but you can go out and enjoy your life.

In getting rid of cold sore it is important that you know what to do and here are some tips:
Cold sore hates cold environment. Ice can help you in getting rid of cold sore. To make the soreness heal quickly, apply cold compress or ice pack on the affected area for 15-20 minutes every 4 hours for a couple of days until the sore is healed. It is better to use ice at the first sign of the infection to prevent a full blown outbreak.

Lysine helps in getting rid of cold sore. Lysine is an amino acid that weakens the herpes virus and prevents it from multiplying. It hinders the absorption of L-arginine which feeds the virus preventing its multiplication. Foods that contain lysine include red meat, dairy products and fish. There are studies that taking 1,500-2,000mg lysine is beneficial to prevent cold sore outbreak but of course it is best to ask your doctor before taking lysine supplement to make sure you have no other health issues.

Controlling stress helps in getting rid of cold sore. Stress is one of the main triggers of cold sore. Cold sore usually occurs when you are under stressful situation because stress can weaken your immune system. Managing and controlling your stress will control and stop cold sore attacks. It is also important to boost your immune system by eating a well balanced diet, exercises and getting enough sleep.

In getting rid of cold sore, it is important that you know what you are dealing with and you are aware of the treatments available to stop its occurrence. If you want to find out how to get rid of cold sore naturally visit Cold Sore Free Forever