Discover How to Banish Cold Sores Permanently

Cold sores are something you will not wish to have, they are unsightly and painful. Cold sore is also called fever blisters caused by herpes simplex virus. It will start as a tingling sensation around the nose or lips then becomes red and swollen and later on blisters will appear. Once blisters puff out it becomes watery and dries up after a week. Unfortunately cold sores are not a one time event, it keeps coming back and before it becomes chronic you need to know how to banish cold sores permanently.

Once you have the virus, it stays with you. Although it hides and lies inactive in your nerve cells, once the conditions are right or triggers are present like fever, stress, menstruation and exposure to sunlight, the virus becomes active causing recurrent outbreaks of cold sores. What makes it worst is that it appears not only on your lips and nose but may also appear on inside your mouth, nostrils, eyelids, fingers and even on your genitals. It is important to find a treatment to stop the virus and banish cold sores permanently.

There are times that cold sores appears during the most important events in your life that you need to be beautiful and flawless, but cold sores makes you feel less attractive and worst makes you hide and avoid the crowd due to embarrassment. Before cold sores could totally affect your personal and social life you have to find out how to banish cold sores permanently.

Some people due to desperation to banish cold sores permanently considered using creams, over-the counter drugs and prescription drugs hoping to get rid of cold sores permanently. These remedies may put a temporary relief but do not address the root of the problem to banish cold sores at their source.

Did you know that you can banish cold sores permanently using all-natural, very inexpensive and easy to implement ways? Learn how to stop cold sores at the root of the problem and not just masking the symptoms. Find out the truth how to banish cold sores naturally and get your confidence back – from the comfort of your own home visit Cold Sore Free Forever