Eliminate Cold Sores for Good

If you suffer from cold sore every year or many times during the year, then you know how annoying it is. You often find yourself looking at the mirror to see another cold sore occurrence to irritate you for weeks making you hide at home or avoid going out. To end your dilemma you need to learn how to eliminate cold sore for good.

Cold sore is a disease caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1). It starts to appear as blisters around the mouth, nose and chin and sometimes it even appear on fingers, eyelids and genitals. Imagine how annoying and painful having cold sore on those sensitive parts of your body. The virus is highly contagious and people will avoid you if they learned you have the virus. It is embarrassing and at the same time makes your life miserable due to the discomfort and pains it brings. To get your life back you need to know how to eliminate cold sore for good.

There are remedies for cold sore that can give you quick relief and there are preventive measures that you can do to avoid catching the virus but once you get infected by the virus it lies dormant in your system and flares up with the right triggers. It is important to find a way to eliminate cold sore permanently and avoid recurring cold sores.

Quick remedies for cold sore include over-the-counter medicines and creams that can help ease the pains and temporarily relieve cold sore. It is also important to boost your immune system by taking vitamin supplements and eating a well balanced diet especially foods high in lysine. Although these things can help you relieve cold sore, you still need to find ways on how to totally eliminate cold sore.

Did you know that you can eliminate cold sore for good in 3 just days? Plus, you will never have to worry about having serious cold sore problem again. Face the world in 3 days with the freedom to feel great about yourself and your appearance visit Cold Sore Natural Remedies