Get Rid of Chronic Cold Sores

Suffering from chronic cold sores is very annoying and difficult. Recurring painful blisters on the edge of your lips is not a good thing to have. These annoying blisters are caused by herpes simplex-1 virus and once you get infected, the virus lies dormant in your body and with the right triggers cold sores outbreak will happen.

Weak immune system, stress, colds, fever, menstrual period, over exposure to sunlight and cold winds are some of the triggers of cold sores. Once you are exposed to these triggers, another cold sore attacks will flare up. To avoid other health issues, you have to get rid of chronic cold sores as early as possible.
It is recommended that you seek medical help to know the reason for the recurring cold sores. This could be a symptom of other health issues.

One way to get rid of chronic cold sores is avoid all triggers of outbreaks. Boost your immune system by avoiding stress, get enough sleep and eat a well balanced diet. Avoid over exposure to the sun and wear lip balm as a lip protection for cold winds.

Avoid foods that encourage chronic cold sores outbreak. The amino acid arginine found in some foods speed up the replication of the virus and the recurrence of cold sores. Arginine-rich foods like grains, chocolates, nuts and fish promotes the development of cold sores so avoid excessive intake of these foods. To prevent another cold sore flare up, avoid excessive consumption of arginine.

Lysine supplements. The amino acid lysine controls the recurrence of chronic cold sores outbreak to some people. Studies and research shows that 1000 mg dosage of lysine taken 3 times daily for a few days right from the start of cold sores outbreak is beneficial to some sufferers and reduces the occurrence of outbreaks. Foods rich in lysine are peas, beans, lentils, parmesan cheese, meat, nuts, eggs, sardines and soybeans.

Having chronic cold sores is very embarrassing because it is highly contagious and people might avoid you. Before it can ruin your social and personal life you have to find a way to get rid of cold sores for good. Did you know that to prevent it from coming back, you have to stop it from the root cause of the problem instead of just treating the symptoms? Get rid of chronic cold sores for good visit Cold Sore Free Forever