Cold Sore Home Treatment – Simple Tips to Treat Cold Sores

Cold sore is an infection caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) and it is a contagious disease. It can be transmitted through direct contact or exposure of the virus like kissing and oral sex. Using toothbrush, silverware and sharing drinks with an infected person will also spread the virus. Getting the virus is not only annoying but it is also unsightly and not to mention really embarrassing because people might avoid you including possible dates. There are medications to relieve cold sore and there are also cold sore home treatment that you can do. The most important thing is to find a treatment that will work for you to get rid of the infection for good.

The symptoms of the infection starts with the appearance of fluid filled blisters on the lips area and sometimes also on the nose. You will also feel itching or burning sensation around the infected areas. You are prone to the infection when you have weakened immune system, under stress or fatigue, when you have colds and flu, during menstrual cycle and prolong exposure under the sun.

It is best to seek professional help or consult your doctor once you had the symptoms to get immediate treatment. Once infected the virus lies dormant in your system waiting for the right triggers for another outbreak. Cold sore home treatment is also gaining popularity because some people are embarrassed to talk about cold sores to other people. But it is important that you get the proper treatment to avoid the infection from becoming chronic.

Aside from professional help, here are some cold sore home treatments to help you get rid of cold sore:
Keep it clean and dry. One cold sore home treatment is to keep the infected area clean and dry. Dirt and moisture will worsen the swelling and will invite more bacteria. Wash the area and keep it clean and dry.
Contain the virus. It is important that you control the virus from spreading and causing more infections. Replace your toothbrush because it is a good breeding area for the virus. If you keep using the toothbrush, there is a high possibility that an outbreak will happen again after you are healed.

Improve your immune system. You are prone to the virus if you have weak anti-bodies. Boost your immune system by getting enough sleep, eating a well balanced meal, regular exercise and taking vitamin supplements.
Cold tea bag treatment. This is one cold sore home treatment that some people find effective. Tea bag has tannic acid which has anti-viral properties. Dip the tea bag on cold water until it is thoroughly wet then hold the tea bag in place on the affected area as long as you can.

Ice treatment. Ice is another cold sore home treatment that stops the virus from flourishing. Put an ice cube in a clean handkerchief and hold it in place on the affected area for a few seconds and repeat it after a few minutes. Just be careful not to hurt your skin. This treatment will prevent the swelling and forming of blisters.
Yogurt treatment. Yes, eating plain yogurt is also a cold sore home treatment. The acidophilus bacteria in yogurt are known to fight the virus causing cold sores. Just be sure that you will get plain yogurt with active acidophilus bacteria.

Cold sores outbreak is a very annoying and frustrating experience. If you have tried almost everything and still suffering from an outbreak, natural treatment is another option. Get rid of cold sore naturally and permanently in just 3 days, visit Cold Sore Free Forever