Helpful Cold Sore Prevention Tips

Once you get infected by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1), a virus responsible for cold sore; it could greatly affect your social and personal life. The virus stays dormant in your body and waiting for the right condition for another outbreak. Some people are lucky not to have repeated outbreaks after the first infection but there are those who are not so lucky that they experience recurring outbreaks for years. Knowing some helpful cold sore prevention tips will help you avoid getting the virus and save yourself from the dilemma that could torment you for life.

HSV-1 is a very contagious virus that can easily spread from one person to another through different means. Cold sore is unsightly and most of all embarrassing and people might avoid you. The painful blisters around your mouth or nose are not something you can be proud of. It is important that you keep yourself protected and be aware of the cold sore prevention measures that you can do to avoid herpes simplex virus infection.
Here are some helpful cold sore prevention tips to help you stay protected against the virus:

Cold Sore Prevention Tip No. 1: Avoid stress. If you are under so much stress, you are prone to get sick and vulnerable to get infected by viral infections including cold sores. Stress is the culprit for many health issues. It is a common complain that cold sore appears on occasions that people need to be beautiful like weddings, vacations, and other important events. Why? Because special occasions in your life give you so much stress from the preparation time to the event itself. So as much as possible avoid stress or learn to manage stress and avoid being the target of cold sore virus.

Cold Sore Prevention Tip No. 2: Avoid contact with people infected by the virus. You can get the virus from skin to skin contact and using personal stuffs of the infected person. Avoid kissing, oral sex or any form of touching with the infected person. Sharing drinks, toothbrush, toothpaste, towels, handkerchief and silverware will also spread the virus from one person to another. It is very important that you are very aware of these cold sore prevention measures and keep yourself away from being exposed to the virus.
Cold Sore Prevention Tip No. 3: Avoid too much exposure under the sun or use sun protection. Too much sunlight could trigger recurring cold sores to some people and it is important that you keep yourself protected. Using sunscreen lip balms and sunblock will help you prevent cold sores outbreak.

Cold Sore Prevention Tip No. 4: Live a healthy lifestyle. Poor diet, nutrients deficiency and lack of sleep weaken your immunities against viruses. You have to learn to live a healthy life to make you stronger and boost your immune system. Eat a well balanced diet and take vitamins supplements.

Cold Sore Prevention Tip No. 5: Always wash your hands. Make it a habit to always wash your hands. Your hands usually get in contact with a lot of things including things that can be harmful on your health. Practice good hygiene and always keep your hands clean.

If you already have cold sore, it is recommended to seek professional help at once to prevent it from becoming a chronic problem. Natural remedies are also another option to get rid of cold sore. Did you know that cold sore can be treated in just 3 days naturally? To find out how visit Cold Sore Free Forever