Dealing with Recurring Cold Sores- What You Need to Know

Cold sore or fever blister is a viral infection caused by a virus called Herpes Simplex Type 1 (HSV1). This is an infection that keeps returning over and over again because once the infection is beaten by the immune system, it never leaves the body completely. It stays and hides in the nerve cells and remain dormant until triggered to cause another infection.  This is a very common infection that affects people of all ages. Some do not even know that they are infected because the first infection usually does not cause any symptoms but for some, symptoms may occur even on the first infection. Dealing with recurring cold sores can be very stressful if you do not know how.

Common symptoms of cold sore infection is itching or tingling sensation before the appearance of blisters or group of blisters in and around the mouth including the lips, gums and throat.  This can be very painful and it can be really difficult to swallow or eat not to mention the unsightly appearance of the visible blisters around the mouth and lips.  The following tips can be very helpful in dealing with recurring cold sores.

Changes in your lifestyle. In dealing with recurring cold sores, it cannot be avoided to make few changes in your lifestyle. You have to protect your skin from the sun to avoid cold sore outbreak. Avoid going out in the sun from 11 o’clock in the morning to 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the time when the sun is at its strongest or wear strong sunscreen protection if it cannot be avoided to go out. Eat healthy foods to avoid recurring cold sores. Foods high in L-lysine found in eggs, dairy products and lean meat can be very beneficial in preventing recurring cold sores so it is best to include high L-lysine foods in your diet. It is also important to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can make the body weak and prone to infections.

Prevent spreading the virus. Cold sores or fever blisters are very contagious and you have to stop it from spreading. Do not use your bare hands to apply medicines on the infected area but use cotton tip and dispose it properly after use. Always wash your hands and avoid touching the infected area because the virus can spread to other parts of the body. The virus can spread to your eyes which is very dangerous and can cause damage to your eyes, if this happens seek medical treatment at once. Use your own eating utensils and personal items such as towels, toothbrush, soap, face washers etc.

In dealing with recurring cold sores, it is important to discard or replace the things that get in contact with your mouth and face. After the infection has been cleared or treated, discard your old toothbrush and get a new one to avoid recurring infections. Disinfect eating utensils and even personal items like your towels or get a new one.

Know your triggers. Find out what triggers your cold sore outbreak. If you need to make a journal of your everyday activities including what you ate and drunk to monitor the occurrence of cold sores, then do so. For some people too much exposure to sunlight and windy situations causes recurring cold sores. Some women suffer from cold sore outbreak during their menstrual period. Emotional stress is another trigger to some people. In dealing with recurring cold sores, you have to know your trigger and avoid them to stop recurring infections.

Pay attention to your general health. Avoid getting illnesses like colds and fever because if you are ill, you are prone to infections like cold sore. Living a healthy life is important in dealing with recurring cold sores. If you are not generally healthy, your immune system is not on its best state to fight diseases. People with weak immune system are more likely to get infected by cold sores virus. Eat a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep. Stress can also affect one’s health so try to live a less stressful life or learn to relieve your stress.

Cold sores can infect a person more than once in a year but you can stop this from happening. Learn to naturally stop cold sores visit Cold Sore Free Forever