Oxygen and the Effect on Cold Sores

Many people in North America, Europe, Australia, etc have contracted the Herpes Simplex virus through physical contact (directly or indirectly). Kissing, utensils, clothes, saliva, oral contact, etc are all responsible for transmitting the disease from one person to other. It is always advisable to contact your doctor for more information when you become infected with a cold sore. Many people often use over the counter medication for cold sores.

Ointments which contain Zinc and DMSO are widely used to prevent cold sores from occurring. People in Asian countries have much greater resistance to this disease than people in developed countries. HSV or herpes simplex virus commonly affects the sensitive parts of the face such as nostrils, lips, eye lids, etc.
There are two types of virus HSV – type 1 and HSV – type 2. HSV – 1 type 1 attacks at very common places such as the face and HSV – 2 attacks at places below the waist line. There is significant risk attached with both of these viruses if not detected and treated early.
Many people tend to spend money on medications and costly ointments to get rid of these viral blisters but they tend to ignore the basic facts. The patient suffering from herpes simplex virus may be creating ideal conditions inside their body. Lower amount of oxygen inside the human body creates acidity. Herpes simplex virus thrives in an acidic climate and is anaerobic in nature.

This virus cannot survive in the presence of oxygen and it needs to have an acidic environment to thrive and multiply. Stress is another major culprit which deprives the human body of oxygen and increases acidic nature. Our planet was covered with 40% oxygen previously and now oxygen levels have dropped to 20% which is causing many diseases and infections. Pollution levels in the air have displaced the oxygen thus making a human rely on external forms of supplements to revitalise his oxygen deficient body.

Adding stabilised oxygen or nascent oxygen into the human body improves the oxygen levels and makes your body rich with oxygen. Bacteria and viruses cannot survive in oxygen rich bodies thus making them go into remission. Oxygen is free radical scavenger and it is very important in curing many diseases such as cancer.

Discover the all natural cold sores remedy, visit Cold Sore Freedom Forever