Stop Cold Sore Outbreaks For Good

People infected by herpes simplex virus type 1- HSV1 suffer from recurring outbreak many times in a year and of course they are looking for the right treatment that will work for them. Suffering from this contagious virus infection is very distressing because it affects not only your personal life but also your social life. Learning how to stop cold sore outbreak will make your life better.

There are many factors that influence the occurrence of this viral infection and you have to stop the outbreak for good. Here are some tips:

Antiviral medicines. Your doctor can recommend antiviral medicines to help you stop the virus from multiplying. It should be applied at the first stage of infection to stop cold sore outbreak. If you already have a full blown infection, you may also need pain relievers because the soreness can be very painful.

Rubbing alcohol speeds up healing. Apply alcohol on the affected area at the first sign of the symptom to prevent the occurrence of more cold sores. A cotton swab or Q-tip with rubbing alcohol applied to the sore at least 2 times a day until the tingling sensation disappear will prevent a full blown outbreak.

Tea tree oil dries up cold sore quickly. Its natural antifungal and antiviral property stops the outbreak. It has also anti-inflammatory property that speed up healing and remove soreness. Apply 2-3 times a day on the affected area using cotton swabs or Q-tip. It is better to apply upon onset of cold sore to prevent a full blown outbreak.

Limit your consumption of arginine. If you are having recurring cold sore outbreak it is best to limit you intake of foods with arginine, an amino acid that encourages the occurrence of cold sore. Avoid chocolates, peanuts, beer, cereals, coconut and gelatine.

Lysine consumption. It is another type of amino acid that prevents and stop cold sore outbreak. It can be found on various foods or can be taken as a supplement to treat it. Lysine interferes with the absorption of arginine and prevents cold sore outbreaks. Lysine can be found in most fruits and vegetables, dairy products and red meat.

There are a lot of ways to treat cold sore, but it is important to find a remedy that will work for you. In most cases you are just treating the symptoms and not the cold sore itself. If you want to stop cold sore outbreak from its source and get rid of it for good visit Cold Sore Free Forever