Stop Suffering From Recurrent Cold Sores

It can be very annoying and disturbing suffering from recurrent cold sores because it is not only painful it is also embarrassing. Its ugly appearance is definitely not a plus factor for you and they sometimes appear when you need to be beautiful and flawless. Imagine having cold sores on the most important events of your life like a wedding, birthday or much awaited vacation.

Cold sores are viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. They commonly appear on the lips but they may also appear on the cheeks and around the nose. The virus is contagious and can spread to other people through kissing and sharing personal things like towels, drinking cups and eating utensils. They appear as fluid-filled blisters at first then they break open and crust over. They are painful especially on the stage where they burst.

Cold sores can be very stubborn and they usually re-appear on the same spot. Once infected, the virus may reside in your body in dormant condition waiting for the right trigger to wake up and cause another outbreak. Suffering from recurrent cold sores is really annoying and depressing. It is important to know how to deal with them and prevent recurrent outbreaks. Here are some tips to prevent recurring infection:

Avoid having colds, flu and other infections. You may notice that you are more susceptible to cold sores when you have colds, flu and other infection. This is because the virus sees this as an opportunity to wake up for another outbreak while your immune system is busy fighting other diseases. So to avoid suffering from recurrent cold sores, avoid the things that will cause you to have colds and flu. It is important to boost your immune system by eating a well balanced diet, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.

Avoid emotional stress. Frequent cold sores usually happen when a person is under stress. This is the reason why the virus usually causes another outbreak during special occasions like weddings, birthdays and other special events in your life where you are under pressure and experiencing emotional stress. Learn to handle things with ease and delegate tasks to unburden yourself. Avoid emotional stress to prevent suffering from recurrent cold sores.

Talk to your doctor. If you are suffering from recurrent cold sores, it is best to seek medical help. Antiviral medicines are common treatments for cold sores because they inhibit the growth of the virus. They may come in the form of pills or ointments.

You do not have to continue suffering from recurrent cold sores because there are ways to stop the frequent outbreak. To find out the step-by-step treatment to free yourself from cold sores visit Cold Sores Free Forever