The Best Ways to Free Yourself From Cold Sores

Cold sores can appear at the worst times when you need to be beautiful and flawless. Their appearance can be very embarrassing especially on the most important event of your life that is why it is important to know how to free yourself from cold sores. Sometimes they appear before the most awaited events of your life like a wedding, vacation and other important celebrations.

Cold sores are caused by type 1 herpes simplex virus and they usually appear on the mouth or around the lips. They may also appear around the nose and on the cheeks. They appear as fluid-filled blisters at first until they eventually break open and crust over. They can be really painful especially when the blisters burst out.
How can you free yourself from the infection to get rid of the discomforts and embarrassment?

Talk to your doctor. If you are suffering from frequent outbreak it is best to consult your doctor. You may need to take prescription pills or apply ointments to prevent frequent infections.

Avoid the triggers. Colds and flu are the common triggers so if you want to free yourself from cold sores, you have to avoid the things that will make you prone to colds and flu. Stress is also another trigger, learn to manage and eliminate your stress.

Avoid too much sunlight exposure. Use sun block and lip balm to protect you from the sun. Too much sunlight can cause cold sore flare up so avoid too much exposure under the sun to free yourself from cold sores. Always wear sun protection if you will go outside in a sunny day.

Boost your immune system. You will have a high resistance to viruses and infections if you have strong immune system. Boost your immune system by eating a well balanced diet, regular exercise and sleeping well. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. Live a healthy life to be strong against diseases.

Lysine supplements. Lysine, an amino acid can be very helpful if you want to free yourself from the outbreak. Taking daily lysine supplement pills can help weaken the herpes simplex virus and prevent frequent flare ups. You can also get lysine from eggs, soybeans, fish and read meat.

This condition can be very disturbing and you have to find the best ways to prevent frequent outbreak. To treat this viral infection naturally visit Cold Sore Free Forever