Top 3 Ways to Stop Cold Sore Outbreaks

Cold sores also known as fever blisters are often caused by type 1 herpes simplex virus that usually appears on the mouth or around the lips. Suffering from cold sores outbreak can be really distressing and embarrassing. They are infectious and can be really stubborn because they have the tendency to keep coming back that is why it is important to know how to stop them.

Before the appearance cold sores outbreak, some people may experience tingling, burning and itching around the affected area. They usually begin as fluid-filled blisters around the lips. Although they commonly appear on the mouth, they can also appear on the cheeks and around the nose. They can be very painful especially when they burst out.

Here are the things that you can do to stop cold sores outbreak and feel better:

Self care. Keep your hands off the affected area and do not squeeze the blisters or peel off the skin around it. Keep the area clean and if it hurts you can put ice on the affected area. Application of lip balm on dry lips can prevent outbreaks. Taking amino acid supplement or lysine can be very helpful to prevent recurring cold sores outbreak.

Medications. Prescription antiviral medicines in the form of pills and ointments are common treatments for cold sores outbreak. Common medications are Denavir and Zovirax. There are also over-the-counter medicines to relieve the pain like Ibuprofen. It is best to consult your doctor before taking medicines.

Healthy lifestyle. Living a healthy lifestyle can help you boost your immune system and will lower your risk of getting infections and diseases. Avoid bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. Learn to manage or eliminate stress and get enough sleep. Eat a well balanced diet and exercise regularly. With a healthy lifestyle you can stop recurring cold sores outbreak.

Cold sores can be really annoying and can appear on times when you need to be beautiful and flawless. If you are suffering from recurring cold sores outbreak, discover how to get rid of cold sores fast visit Cold Sore Free Forever