Discover How to Stop Frequent Cold Sores Flare Up

Cold sores or fever blisters affect millions of people and can be very stubborn because they have the tendency to re-appear on the same location. It is a challenge for most sufferers to stop frequent cold sores flare up. It is caused by herpes simplex virus type1, an infectious virus that can be transferred through kissing and sharing personal things like eating utensils. Once infected it remains dormant in the body waiting for the right trigger to cause another outbreak.

Fever blisters usually appear on the lips and the area around it but it may also appear on the chin, cheeks and in the nostrils. Their appearance is not only unsightly but they can be really embarrassing. The virus is infectious and if people learned you have them, they will avoid you that is why it important to know how to avoid cold sores flare up.

How to stop frequent cold sores flare up?
If you have more than 6 outbreaks in a year, it is best to see your doctor and talk about your symptoms and discomforts. Your doctor may recommend antiviral medicines that can slow down the growth of the virus leading to fewer outbreaks or none at all.

One of the best ways to stop frequent cold sores flare up is learn your triggers and avoid them. Some people have recurrent outbreaks when under too much emotional stress so they learned to avoid or manage their stress. Others have outbreaks when exposed to sunlight and using sunscreen prevents recurring infections. Poor diet and weakened immune system are also some of the triggers of the infection so it is best to live a healthy lifestyle to boost your immune system and eat a well balanced diet for proper nutrition.

You do not have to suffer its painful and ugly appearance because there are a number of ways to contain the virus and prevent frequent cold sores flare up. Discover the step-by-step method to free yourself from this viral infection visit Cold Sores Free Forever