How to Deal with Oral Herpes or Cold Sores

One of the most important body parts is the mouth and any problem or health issues involving the mouth can be very hard. It can be very difficult to eat, drink and even speak when you have oral health problems.  Cold sore or commonly known as fever blister is an oral herpes caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Type 1 herpes virus usually causes infections of the mouth like cold sores. The virus is highly contagious and usually stays dormant in the nerve tissues in the face waiting for the right triggers to flare up again as cold sores or painful sores on the lips, around the mouth, chin, cheeks and the nostrils. Sometimes the roof of the mouth, gums and throat are also affected by the infection. It can be really hard to deal with oral herpes not only because of the pain but because of its unsightly appearance.

How to deal with oral herpes?

Talk to your doctor. Although symptoms may go away on their own within one to two weeks, herpes virus is a stubborn virus that has the tendency to come back over and over again so to stop recurring infections, it is best to talk to your doctor. Herpes infection may be dangerous if located near the eye so immediate medical attention is needed. Your doctor may prescribe anti-viral medicines or creams to shorten the outbreak period. Pain relievers may be prescribed by your doctor to relieve severe pain and antibiotics for secondary bacterial infections. Deal with oral herpes as early as possible to shorten your sufferings.

Keep the infected area clean and dry. Dirt and moisture could aggravate the swelling of cold sores so it is important to keep the infected area clean and dry. Healing is faster if the sores are kept dry and clean.  Regularly wash the infected area with germ-fighting soap and water. Avoid touching or squeezing the infected area and make it a habit to was your hands and keep them away from your eyes to avoid spreading the virus.

Avoid exposure to sunlight. Cold sores outbreak can be triggered by sun exposure so avoid too much exposure under the sun. If it cannot be avoided that you need to spend time outdoors, protect your lips by wearing sunscreen lip balm with SPF 15 or higher. Wear a hat or use an umbrella when outdoors on a sunny day. It is easier to deal with oral herpes if you will avoid its triggers.

Keep your immune system on its best state. It can be hard to deal with oral herpes if you have weakened immune system because you are not strong enough to fight the virus. With a weak immune system you are also prone to infections like colds and flu which is not a good thing because you are more susceptible to cold sores recurring outbreaks if you have colds and flu. You are more resistant to viruses and infections if your immune system is on its best state. Live a healthy lifestyle to boost your immune system. Eat a balanced healthy diet, live a physically active life and get enough sleep to boost your immune system.

It can be very frustrating to deal with oral herpes if it keeps coming back.  If you think you have done almost everything and you keep suffering from recurring cold sores outbreak, natural remedies are another option to be explored. To know more visit Cold Sore Free Forever