Stop Cold Sores Outbreaks

There are people who suffer from cold sores outbreak several times a year and if this is happening to you, it is important to know how to break the cycle and stop cold sores outbreaks once and for all. Cold sores also known as fever blisters are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), a very contagious virus. Before the actual appearance of sores, the infected person will experience tingling and burning sensation on the effected area.  Herpes simplex virus can live in one’s body for years and remain dormant until it flares up again as mouth sores when something triggers it. Common triggers of outbreaks are stress, sun exposure, windy weather, hormonal change like menstruation and illnesses like fever and flu. The following tips can be very helpful if you want to stop cold sores outbreaks.

Anti-viral medicines. At the first sign of cold sores, application of antiviral medicines can be very helpful. There are over-the counter medicines and doctor-prescribed medicines. While you can access over-the-counter medicines anytime, it is still best to seek professional help and follow the advice of your doctor regarding medications if you really want to stop cold sores outbreaks. Your doctor can give recommendations for the best anti-viral medicines that will work for you especially if you have cold sores that don’t go away for more than two weeks.

Self-care. Repeated cold sores outbreak can be prevented if you know the proper cold sore self-care. Apply ice on the affected area or sucked on ice or frozen popsicle. To avoid irritating the sores, stay away from spicy, sour and acidic foods. It is important to keep your hands clean and do not touch the infected area because the virus could spread in other parts of the body like the eyes if you have the habit of touching your face and eye area.  Too much exposure under that sun can aggravate your condition, so protect yourself when outdoors by wearing a hat and use sunscreen on your lips with at least SPF15. The use of lip balm can be very helpful especially on windy weather.

Manage stress. To stop cold sores outbreaks, you need to avoid its triggers. One common trigger is stress and if you want to stop cold sores outbreaks, learn to cope with stress. Stress can be harmful to one’s health and when a person is under severe stress; his or her health may suffer. Fever blister outbreaks are more likely to occur when a person is under stress and if this is happening to you, it is a sign that stress is affecting your health. Learn healthy ways to cope with stress like engaging in relaxation techniques (yoga, meditation, etc.), get enough sleep and exercise regularly. One healthy way of dealing with stress is sharing your feelings and do not let your negative emotions bottled up inside you., Do not be hard on yourself, learn to accept things you cannot change and set realistic goals. Minimize your exposure to distressful things and surround yourself with people with positive attitude. You will be healthier if you know how to properly manage stress.

It can be really hard to stop cold sores outbreaks if you do not know how. If the above mentioned tips are not enough, natural remedies are options that can be explored. To know more visit  Cold Sore Free Forever